ErbaLisa® Dengue IgM μ-Capture :: Transasia Bio-Medicals

ErbaLisa® Dengue IgM μ-Capture

An enzyme linked immunoassay assay for the detection of IgM antibodies against Dengue virus using MAC technique
Product Code

Product Description:

An enzyme linked immunoassay assay for the detection of IgM antibodies against Dengue virus  using MAC technique

Product Details

  • Based on μ-Capture principle (MAC)
  • Ideal choice for early identification primary infection and immune response
  • Shorter turn around time with total 120 minutes incubation
  • Adaptable on fully automated ELISA processors
  • Highy accuracy with 100% sensitivity and specificity

Product Applications:

Erba Lisa Dengue IgM u-Capture Elisa Kit is intended to be used for the detection of IgM antibodies to dengue virus antigen in human serum or plasma as an aid to the clinical laboratory diagnosis of patients with dengue fever. 

Detection Detects IgM antibodies against Dengue virus  
Technique µ Antibody Capture (MAC)
Capture Coated with anti-human IgM antibodies to selectively capture only the IgM antibodies
Reagents Ready to use
Type of Specimen required Serum or Plasma
Total incubation time 120 Minutes
Diagnostic Sensitivity 100.00%
Diagnostic Specificity 100.00%
Shelf Life 18 Months


Product Code Product Description Pack Size
132011 ErbaLisa Dengue IgM µ-capture  96

Instruments where we can use 'ErbaLisa® Dengue IgM μ-Capture '

  • Erba Lisa Scan EM

    Automated microplate ELISA reader

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  • Erba ELAN 30s

    Fully Automated micro strip ELISA processor

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  • Erba Lisa Wash II

    Automated microplate washer

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